Thursday, November 14, 2013

Movember is in full effect!

My goals for November Movember

1. Eat and drink as much pumpkin as humanly possible.

2. Make soup 
(I've been all about chicken noodle, but now I am trying to find the perfect baked potato soup.)

3. Host a friendsgiving potluck complete with an apple cider bar.

4. Get lots of family time.

5. Plan an indoor date night for me and the hubs once the baby goes to sleep. I'm thinking a fun dessert we can make together (something pumpkin of course) and a fall themed movie.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Back to Work

Today was my first day back to work and I have to admit I was dreading it all weekend. Sunday night I felt pretty low, but I packed myself a lunch and picked out an outfit and got to bed early. Sawyer woke up at 2:30 am and I was perfectly happy to tend to him. I was going to miss him so much and even though it was at the crack in the morning I was more then happy to have some quality time with my babe.

Easy lunch suggestion - GoPicnic boxed meals. This is an adult lunchable. It's healthy, tastes great, and fills me up. I love these (except for Tuna & Crackers...the tuna is super fishy)!

Work ended up not being so bad. I not only was dressed for the day, but my hair was also done. I had some adult conversation, pumped 3 times for about 20 mins (60 mins shaved from my day...SCORE!), and I got a break from being full time mom. I worked it out so I go in every other day and I am SO thankful for that.

This is my jam. I listened to it on my way to work and it totally pumped me up!

I was so busy prepping for work I totally spaced posting Saywer's first Halloween pic! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Sawyer!